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Bacoli, a village set on the Phlegrean peninsula, is actually composed by the ancient Greek-Roman cities of Baia, Fusaro, Miseno and Miliscola.
It is characterized by a unique naturalistic environment: gulf, volcanoes, lakes and creeks...it will be love at the first sight! It was founded by the Romans with the name of Bauli; soon after it became an important touristic location. On the highest part of the city there is a grand installation of two-story cisterns known as Cento Camerelle.
The Piscina Mirabilis, an immense reservoir for the restocking of the fleet, is important too.
Casina Vanvitelliana is particularly charming, located in the waters of Lake Fusaro.
Most of the fabulous buildings of Baia have been submerged by the sea, due to the bradyseism. These ruins constitute the Baia Underwater Park.
Excursions with special boats and underwater films show the mosaic pavements, walls, columns and other remains. At the centre of the area there is the villa of Lucius Piso, father-in-law of Julius Caesar.
At Punta Epitaffio a nymphaeum of the emperor Claudius was discovered, a luxurious hall decorated with statues that now, after have been recovered, are exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of the Phlegrean Fields in the Aragonese Castle.
The entire side of the hill that gives onto the Gulf of Baia is covered in archaeological ruins spread out over the terraced land. They made up the Baia Archaeological Park, a huge complex of buildings that were probably an imperial residence.


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